Sweat Lodge (The Shaman’s Embrace)
Saturday 27th May – 12noon – 6pm
The sweat lodge is an ancient ceremonial rite of purification. Called an Inipi by the Lakota Sioux, this traditional ceremony has been at the heart of indigenous spiritual traditions for 1000’s of years. Ireland has also had her own tradition of using sweat lodges, more commonly called sweat houses, for medicinal and spiritual purposes.
Our Intention
It is our intention to create and hold a safe, sacred and intimate space for you. A space where you can simple BE. As a community we are committed to coming together in respect and reverence for the Wonder of All Life and Creation.
What to Expect on the 27th
The main focus of our event is the actual sweat lodge ceremony itself. We have, however, also included some extras throughout the day in order to facilitate a deeper and more integrative spiritual experience. After our initial ‘meet and greet’, there will be a talk on the symbolism of the lodge, followed by core shamanic wisdom teachings. Shamanic teachings and practices are creative by nature and therefore tend to vary across the different traditions. There are core elements, however, that remain a constant, and it is these core elements I am referring to. Following these discussions, we will move on to a shamanic journey. The shamanic journey is used for myriad purposes, but for our intention on the day, it will be used an opportunity for you to focus your intent and anchor yourself deep into your heart space. We will then enter the Sweat Lodge (see below), and upon completion of the lodge there will be an exceptional vegetarian meal provided for us in the barn. And to wrap the day up completely, we will come together again in circle for integration (a sharing of thoughts, insights, teachings etc. received throughout the day) and closing circle.

The Sweat Lodge Ceremony
This will be done in the traditional manner of rounds; 4 rounds of sweat, honouring each of the four cardinal directions. Each round will last approx 25 minutes with a short break in between. For anyone nervous about the dark or about committing to 4 rounds of intense heat, permission is always granted to exit the lodge. Everyone is encouraged to stay for as long as possible, and to push through the pain and fear barrier. It is during this ‘uncomfortable’ period that we drop the stories, the roles, the masks, the personhood, and present our core essence to Creator.
Vegetarian Meal in the Barn
Precisely as it says, there will be an incredible vegetarian meal provided in the barn. One of our team members is a professional chef and loves nothing more than feeding hungry lodgers after fasting and sweating. Many say that this is their favourite part of the day. And trust me, you will be returning for seconds!!
Integration and Closing Circle
Having the opportunity to share one’s experiences of the day is vitally important, not only for oneself, but also for the other members of the group. This is done in an informal manner, usually towards the end of the meal, while we’re all sitting together…..glowing. Insights are shared, questions are asked and answered and teachings are integrated. It is at this point we can say ‘críochnaithe’ (finished), having made sure that everyone has received what they came for and are safe and grounded enough to make their journey home.
A Few Final Details – Cost, Booking & Preparation
The cost of the day’s event is €80. Previous lodgers will notice a price increase. This increase is due to a number of factors, the main one being we put an enormous amount of love, care, attention and intention into our events – and this time and investment needs to be balanced.
Spaces are limited (max 15 people), so a non-refundable booking deposit of €30 will be required.
Notes on how to prepare for the lodge will be supplied upon booking.
All bookings and enquiries can be made through info@soulremembering.ie or directly on 087 6313606.
Le gliondar croí – Michelle